I have posted on installing and removing Homebridge platforms and accessories, which is even easier with a Homebridge web user interface called “homebridge-config-ui-x”. I installed it with Terminal.app and the following command:
sudo npm install -g –unsafe-perm homebridge-config-ui-x
By installing this package, you’ll be able to install and uninstall packages and accessories and update Homebridge’s config.json file with a graphical user interface. Be sure to open port 8080 or whatever port you prefer from the outside so you can gain remote access (or just access it from inside your network for better security). If you open it to the outside, be sure to change the default username and password 🙂
** UPDATE 12-24-2020 **
To incorporate the homebridge.log file into the config-ui-x interface, open the config.json file (mine is here):
sudo pico /Users/bradschwie/.homebridge/config.json
and insert the following code (please note, your port number and file path will likely differ, this is what I used on a macOS Server machine):
"platform": "config",
"name": "Config",
"port": 8581,
"auth": "form",
"theme": "dark-mode",
"tempUnits": "f",
"lang": "auto",
"log": {
"method": "file",
"path": "/Users/bradschwie/.homebridge/homebridge.log"