At the moment, my only bike is a Surly Big Dummy (probable model year is 2009). I ride it year round and, unfortunately, the paint job takes a toll regardless of how good Surly’s paint jobs are. I’m planning to do a fair amount of touch up work this summer, so I figured I’d check in with Surly to see what color my Big Dummy actually is. I sent them my serial number and they told me the paint job is european color code RAL 6014.
Thanks to Josh for passing my color along! For anyone else out there looking to get touch up paint and having a military green paint job like mine, I’m heading to the local hobby shop tomorrow to pick up some Testor’s RAL 6014 Gelboliv Nato Semi-Gloss #2175. I’ll try to post back this summer if the touch up work goes well.
The RAL 6014 paint from Testor’s and it matches perfect. I’ve used it in a few places now and I couldn’t tell the difference between the original paint and the touch up paint.
Also note – prior to discovering the RAL 6014, I had purchased a bottle of Testor’s 1165 Olive Mat a few years ago and used it for one scratch on my top bar, but it dried lighter and didn’t match up as well as the Gelboliv/RAL 6014.