About Brad

All-around tough guy.

Install CouchDB on Ubuntu 12.04

Click the “Dash Home” icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen, just below “Ubuntu Desktop” and type “Terminal”. Click the Terminal icon when it appears.

In Terminal’s window, type in the following commands:

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:couchdb/stable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install couchdb couchdb-bin couchdb-common -f

To navigate to where CouchDB database files are stored:

cd /var/lib/CouchDB



sudo chown -R couchdb:couchdb /home/adam/Desktop/couchdb

sudo chown -R adam:adam /home/adam/Desktop/couchdb

sudo chown -R adam:adam /var/lib/couchdb

To get Debian version from command line:

cat /etc/debian_version

Download JW Player Content

For documenting my attendance at a webinar for professional development, I wanted copies of slides that were posted in a JW Player format. Right-clicking the video wouldn’t allow me to download it, boo hiss.

Using Safari on my Mac, I pressed Option-Command-U to view the “Resources” and then clicked the “Elements” tab. I then hovered over the video feed and Safari highlights portions of the code that generate the content. Keep expanding the carrots/arrows until you drill down to the code generating the feed. In my case, it looked like this and I right-clicked the code to “Copy Link Address”:

JW Player content download

Neck Pain Fix

I am not a doctor. Over four years ago while out of town on vacation, I visited urgent care as some neck pain began a trip down my neck and ultimately into my arm and hand. The best thing the UC doc requested was an x-ray and she diagnosed me with a degenerative condition. Later discussing it with my own doctor, she described it as narrowing in the C5-C6 area and described the problem as muscular rather than nerve related. I was probably prescribed exercises that I must have ignored, my fault, and the condition never seemed to improve.

Ok, now some storytelling. A friend of mine had an ER visit a couple years after a waiter at a restaurant told him that half of his face looked paralyzed. My friend is a nurse with a family history of heart issues, so he was quickly concerned these symptoms were related to a potential stroke. After admitting himself to the hospital, his ER doc ran EKG tests and an X-ray. While discussing the results, his doc kindly notified him that his condition had nothing to do with his heart, rather it was a C6 degenerative disc in his neck. His doc prescribed physical therapy and weeks later my friend was good as new.

My friend’s paralyzed face was the result of years of not addressing the issue – the degenerative disc condition may have allowed a nerve to be pinched. He had pain that started in the back of his neck, went into his upper back, his right-shoulder, down his right arm, and made his right hand fingers numb. I didn’t want to bother going on in, but I knew I had the same condition based on my X-ray results and symptoms – my problem started in my neck and continued down my right shoulder and into my right arm and fingers.

I read study results from some of Robin McKenzie’s work in developing exercises to fix these conditions. Apparently strengthening muscles around the degenerative disc can help mitigate symptoms I described above. The studies describe the exercises, but not in terms a layman like me can understand. I found a YouTube channel for a couple of physical therapists, Bob and Brad, who: demonstrate the exercises, explain some of the pain/numbness radiating down into your arm and finger tips, discuss who developed the treatment method, and describe what exercises alleviate the pain symptoms:

The first exercise they show, the chin tuck, supposedly helps 80% of people and is what I focused on. It takes some practice to get the form right and to get your neck muscles responding – the goal is to pull your head back and up if possible. When Bob and Brad demonstrate, they are exerting the kind of strength you’ll want to try when you first start the exercises, but as you move along in the treatment, you’ll want to exert much more force than they exhibit. When I first started, it was like my neck muscles were non-existent, so I started with reps of 10 and days later moved to reps of 15 and then 20. When I started doing reps of 15 and 20 a week into the treatment, it was like my neck muscles had suddenly reawakened and I could really start to pull my head back and up. About this time, the numbness in my arm was going away, but the neck pain started to get worse. The good thing is, doing this and the following exercises helps to relieve the pain and its something you can do at work. I also noticed that the exercises felt more effective if I was standing and grabbed on to something, but now I seem to be able to do the exercises standing or sitting and without having to hold on to anything.

Brad also shows a variant of doing chin tucks while laying down, but these didn’t seem to help me as much. I tried a few when I first hopped into bed at night, but that was about it. They felt good, but not something I did during the day.

Exercise #2, head roll backs, were helpful to me when the pain started to intensify in the back of my neck. I like how Bob stresses, try to roll your head far as you can – I used a lot of force to do this later in the treatment. They both suggest using towels for support early in the process, but later in the treatment, your muscles will be stronger and you’ll have no need for the towels.

Exercise #3, chin tuck and then side roll, was also helpful to me. I started doing these later in the treatment as the pain worsened in my neck. Towards the end, you just want the pain to go away and doing any of the preceding exercises will help.

Bob recommends doing each exercise in repetitions of 10, once per hour. When Brad says, you should feel improvement by the 7th or 8th rep, I say phooey. Sometimes it would take me 12-15 reps before the pain came out of my fingers or moved up my arm. When your neck muscles get toward the end of treatment, you’re going to start to feel a lot better and then suddenly, the pain just seems to go away. I started this back in August and by the end of the State Fair, I was completely better and have yet to have a set back.

One other thing Bob and Brad didn’t mention that brought relief for me: roll your pillow up at night and jam it under your neck so your head is craning backward. This sounds really awkward and strange, but when the pain intensifies toward the end of the treatment, laying in bed this way felt so good. My head/neck position didn’t last that way all night, but it was a good way to fall asleep. Since my neck pain went away, I no longer have to sleep that way 🙂

I wanted to capture this somewhere and I hope it helps you feel better!

Removing Platforms and Accessories from Homebridge

I added a few LIFX devices to Homebridge to make them available through Apple’s Home app. After LIFX added native HomeKit support to their lights, I decided that keeping the homebridge-lifx-lan plugin on Homebridge was unnecessary. I first quit Homebridge by pressing Ctrl-C and then used the following command to remove the plugin:

sudo npm uninstall -g homebridge-lifx-lan

Soon after I launched homebridge on my Mac mini and then the Home app on my iOS device to find that the LIFX accessories were still stuck under Homebridge. I also tried deleting the LIFX platform from the config.json file, but it was no help.

To fix this, I restored the config.json file and reinstalled the plugin:

sudo npm install -g homebridge-lifx-lan

Then I installed the Hesperus app on my iOS device and followed these instructions:


Success! After this, I quit Homebridge, removed the platform code from the config.json file, and removed the plugin using this command:

sudo npm uninstall -g homebridge-lifx-lan

Garadget and IFTTT refresh

I’m loving my Garadget – thanks Denis! Recently, IFTTT stopped working with my Garadget. When I logged into IFTTT.com and looked at “My Applets” they appeared fine, but if I tried to look at the settings for them, IFTTT.com would throw up a red bar across the top of the screen saying “We can’t connect to your service.”

I corrected this  by clicking Services->Garadget->Settings->Edit connection and then entered my Garadget user credentials. I’m hoping this is related to the 90 day expiring token and that Denis’ new non-expiring tokens can be used with IFTTT to stop this in the future.

American Gardener CS18 Battery Replacement

My bride takes care of our lovely garden and lawn. One of her favorite trimming tools is the American Gardener CS18. We’ve gone through a couple rechargeable batteries now (*hint* bring the battery inside your house during cold winter months) and it continues to operate fine. For others trying to replace or upgrade to a more potent battery pack, I’ve used the make/model below and there are likely other packs that work just as well.

The Venom  Power 3000 mAH NiMH flat battery pack has more capacity than the inferior 1800 mAH Ni-Cd (p/n 700228) battery pack the CS18 came with. Yes, the new battery will take longer to charge, but does this really matter to most yard warriors? Plug it in and charge it overnight. For those who find the Venom Power 3000 later fails, initiate an online claim for Venom Power’s lifetime warranty; the first year Venom Power offers complete replacement and years two and greater they will give you 30% off a new battery. I’ve exercised the latter option once – the first Venom Power battery pack lasted 3 years before it suddenly failed on us and as I said above, the failure could have been due to cold temperature when it sat out in the garage for a winter season (or two).

To install a new battery pack, you’ll need to take the CS18 apart. There are 4 Phillips screws to get into the tool, all located on the side. Once inside, take a picture in case the spring flies out later, which it will. The wiring connectors the Venom Power comes with are different than your existing battery. If you’re handy with a soldering gun, I recommend breaking apart the existing wiring harness inside the CS18 to reuse its metal slip on jacks with the new battery pack (or don’t be a cheap bastard like me and pick up new jacks at the hardware store). Here’s a pic inside the tool, in case it helps anyone:

View of CS18 innards when replacing battery back.

** Update 6-24-2021 **

For those who need to replace the power adapter, we used the make/model pictured below and it continues to charge the Venom Power battery pack just fine at 7.5 volts, center pin positive, and at around 600 mA (probably less at 7.5 volts, which is fine).

CS18 replacement power adapter, back side

CS18 replacement power adapter, back side

CS18 replacement power adapter, center pin polarity setting

CS18 replacement power adapter, center pin polarity setting

Looks like you can still pick this power adapter up on eBay.
If Walmart gets stock back, you might try this link.

Run PNNL Visual Sample Plan 7.9 on macOS Sierra

Early versions of Visual Sample Plan were not supported on the Mac, but I’ve used wineBottler with success in the past, so I set out to test it with VSP 7.9 on my Mac. The following steps should work on a Mac running macOS Sierra (10.12.6):

  1. Download wineBottler and install it and the bundled wine in your Applications folder.
  2. Download the latest version of VSP to the Downloads in your home directory/folder.
  3. Open the wineBottler application, click the “Advanced” button, and configure it as shown in the screenshot below:                    
  4. Click “Install” and then click “Next” whenever prompted by the Windows installer.
  5. The installer should run for a few minutes and you’ll need to click “Next” or “Agree” whenever prompted.
  6. Near the end of the installation process, you’ll be prompted to select a Startfile. The default, selected option is incorrect – you’ll need to click the file path drop down menu, select the option for “Program Files/Visual Sample Plan/VSample.exe”, and click OK, as shown below:                                                                   
  7. After doing this, you should reach the dialog/prompt “Prefix created successfully” and then click OK.
  8. To run the newly created application, search for “Visual Sample Plan 7.9” on your machine and launch it – should be inside your Applications folder and you should see something like below:                       
  9. Bonus step – on my machine, I launched Visual Sample Plan and noticed its icon in the Dock is generic, even though the VSP icon for the application in the Applications folder has the green and red grid. To fix this, I selected the icon for VSP in the applications folder, pressed command-C, command-I, clicked the icon in the Get Info window, and command-V to paste in the icon. Make sure you do this when the application is not running.

Homebridge and Garadget notes

** Sadly, a tree fell on our old garage and took out our old opener not long after I recorded these notes, so they aren’t as refined as I’d like them to be; however, they might serve others getting stuck setting up their Garadget. **

To install homebridge, I followed these instructions:

From Terminal.app, I ran:

sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge
(unsafe-perm was needed on macOS Sierra, not sure about other systems)

After installing homebridge, begin installing plugins for your accessories. For instance, to install a plugin for an open source garage door opener, Garadget, read the plugin instructions, then open Terminal and paste in:

sudo npm install -g homebridge-garadget
cd ~/.homebridge
pico config.json

Paste in the text below and save it (you can skip the “Platforms” section, as that is for other devices I’m using on the network):

"bridge": {
"name": "Homebridge",
"username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:39",
"port": 51826,
"pin": "031-45-154"

"description": "Garadget as an accessory.",
"accessories": [{
"accessory": "Garadget",
"name": "Garage Door",
"cloudURL": "https://api.particle.io/v1/devices/",
"deviceID": "500031001851353432393433",
"access_token": "7ab6b8b49072b6caf7490b8beb0a75086b1f4401"

"platforms": [
"platform": "BelkinWeMo",
"name": "WeMo Platform",
"expected_accessories" : "1",
"timeout" : "25",
"no_motion_timer": "60",
"homekit_safe" : "1"
"platform": "Nest",

"token" : "c.mLRXPhJxsllnEk2XGVkh4yE4iceogLwK19iyRihYLJaZOWWl6vadUBw0pYzNH5Nqyu5ANCjmnay4PzGXmCX7xiQifgJro7rymQgTKdsxQ4Z7GwJEUya0jpU2y3C8YBSLntYuy4kZIPsNaQDb",

"clientId": "0fb9563b-16b3-4452-8721-268df1104d5a",
"clientSecret": "8o4x71vmef6BDieuLTNwLyZx4",
"code": "RLZC9XJX",

"username" : "brad@schwie.com",
"password" : "schw0143"


The Garadget plug-in requires a bit more tinkering of obtaining a Device ID and Access Token using Chrome, as described here.

An example config.json file is here if you don’t want to copy and paste what I laid out above.

In my case, the Garadget device ID was:
with access_token:

Paste the Device ID and Access Token into your ~./homebridge/config.json file.

I can’t remember why, but I also needed to tweak my homebridge settings in ~./config.json file by changing the port number from 51826 to 59393.

The garadget access_token reset 90 days after I started using homebridge. It took me a while to figure this out – just couldn’t dedicate time to it – but finally got it working again:

While running homebridge, I tried opening the garage door from the homekit hub device, my daughter’s iPad, using the Home app. But the garadget button in Home app said “No Response”, which was what I was seeing from other devices. When I looked at the output of homebridge from the macOS Sierra server, I noticed the following output, which indicated the token was no longer working:

[6/21/2017, 4:20:12 PM] [Garage Door] Set state to closed
[6/21/2017, 4:20:12 PM] [Garage Door] Error ‘null’ setting door state. Response: {“error”:”invalid_token”,”error_description”:”The access token provided is invalid.”}
[6/21/2017, 4:20:14 PM] [Garage Door] state = 1
[6/21/2017, 4:20:14 PM] [Garage Door] Set state to closed
[6/21/2017, 4:20:14 PM] [Garage Door] Error ‘null’ setting door state. Response: {“error”:”invalid_token”,”error_description”:”The access token provided is invalid.”}

At least two things can mess up your access_token:

1. Using the web app (accessing the garadget from a web browser – https://www.garadget.com/my/) seems to request a new token from the Garadget, which then causes the old token to be purged.

2. Every 90 days the garadget token seems to expire.

I’m not sure which of these cases bit me, but I’ll update this later when I know.

To fix this issue, open the config.json app (mine was at ~/.homebridge), I grabbed my updated token following these instructions (https://community.garadget.com/t/using-garadget-in-ifttts-recipes/440), and then I inserted the updated token in the config.json app. Bam. Everything is working again.

To update npm:
sudo npm install -g npm

To find outdated homebridge plugins:
sudo npm outdated -g

To update homebridge:
sudo npm install -g -unsafe-perm homebridge@latest -g

To update home bridge plugins:
sudo npm install -g -unsafe-perm homebridge-pluginname@latest -g
sudo npm install -g -unsafe-perm homebridge-nest@latest -g
sudo npm install -g -unsafe-perm homebridge-platform-wemo@latest -g
sudo npm install -g -unsafe-perm homebridge-lifx-lan@latest -g
sudo npm install -g -unsafe-perm git+https://github.com/luisiam/homebridge-liftmaster2.git -g
sudo npm install -g -unsafe-perm homebridge-samsung-tizen

homebridge runs out of launchDaemons on the Mac mini. To restart it, unload it:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.homebridge.server.plist

and then re-load it:
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.homebridge.server.plist

LIVALL BH81H Helmet Review

In late-November 2016, I ordered a large (58-61 cm) LIVALL BH81H bicycle helmet in fluorescent green. I was drawn to the helmet’s backside illumination and the ability to make and receive phone calls through Bluetooth while riding. For the last couple years, I’ve been using a Jabra Sport+ bluetooth headset, which worked until it failed, deserving its own blog entry… At the time of my helmet order, I also requested a BlingJet 100 (BJ100) – more on the BlingJet later, but I found little use for it and its not worth a handlebar installation.

I was excited to receive the BH81H and BJ100 on March 7, 2017, less than 4 months after placing the order on Indiegogo. After opening the package, I was surprised at how light the helmet actually is – the battery can run for several hours, yet the helmet seems to weigh about as much as my locally sourced NiceRide helmet. The helmet seems solidly assembled and the straps and padding all seem to be high quality. Overall, my first impressions are favorable.

The helmet didn’t have sufficient battery charge on arrival to power up and the instructions say that you must charge it. I plugged the included micro-USB cable into the helmet to start charging it – two red lights in the rear of the helmet illuminated with a steady glow to indicate charging. The manual said to give the helmet about 3 hours of charging time, which I did, but after unplugging the USB cable, the helmet still did not power up. I let it continue charging overnight and the next morning it powered on!

The setup guide describes pairing the BH81H and BJ100 to each other and a separate Bluetooth pairing with my iPhone was easy and just like other Bluetooth devices. If you are interested in reading other data the helmet measures, like heart rate, download the iPhone app. In this early version of the helmet, the heart rate data does not appear to feed into the iPhones HealthKit/Health app, but it seems this type of feature could be added later.

I ended up using the helmet for a little over a month, but in early April, I noticed the helmet was no longer taking a charge. Slowly the helmet lost all of its charge and hasn’t powered up since. I contacted LIVALL support and they said they’d send a new helmet out, but two months later and I’ve received no update. Reports on their site indicate there are issues with the heart rate sensor killing the helmet. I’m not sure if this is actually the case though, because the heart rate sensor on my helmet continued to work while it had battery charge left. It would seem the charge control chip is failing?

While the helmet worked, I enjoyed listening to music and news and placed a few phone calls that appeared to be better quality than my Jabra headset, but I was hoping to get more time with the helmet before making these assessments.

I’ll post more as my experience develops, but I remain optimistic.

** Update ** LIVALL support reached out to me with instructions to detach the heart rate sensor. Doing this, I was able to revive the helmet and it worked until January 2018, when it stopped working again and I haven’t been able to revive it since then. In January 2018, LIVALL support offered a BH61S at a reduced price, so I jumped at the offer. Trials and tribulations with the BH61S are here.

DiamondBack’s Axis and Overdrive Pedals

I happily used DiamondBack Axis MTB SPD pedals (344 grams) for almost a year, until the bearings escaped from the drive side pedal (heh, Amazon says they weigh 352 grams with all the bearings present). After contacting DiamondBack’s excellent support staff, they offered a set of replacement pedals, which I received less than a week later.

While I was waiting for the new pedals to arrive, I tossed on a very old and used set of Shimano PD-M520 pedals, which weigh in at 375 grams. When the new pedals arrived, DiamondBack surprised me with their Overdrive MTB pedals, which are also SPD, but sport sealed cartridge bearings and weigh in at a feather-light 295 grams. I quickly installed the Overdrives this evening and based on the brief post-installation test ride, they spin smooth. Will report more later, but I would say the Axis pedals were fine until I had logged about 5,000 miles on them. The Axis pedals also weren’t as smooth to click in and out of as my PD-M520’s, so I’m curious to see how the Overdrive’s compare.